Monday, November 29, 2010


Christmas came early for me this year. I've been trying to talk my hubby into getting me an elliptical. See, I live in the desert and during the summer when it's 115* outside, I don't want to work out. I don't want to walk, swim, run, anything - it's just too damn hot! And during the winter months, it's pretty chilly in the morning and I'm a wuss so unless the temperature is perfect I don't want to be out in it. Yes, these are all excuses and part of my problem but hey I can admit it, accept these faults, and do what I can to remedy it.

So, back to the elliptical... it's been months that I've been asking over and over for hubby to help me research them. I looked on craigslist, websites for clearance items, Play it Again Sports, etc. but they all seemed too expensive for what I wanted. I just wanted a simple, little elliptical that I could do while watching tv (since I love to do that why not try to get some exercise in while doing it.)

While out shopping on Black Friday (hubby wanted to go and spend some time together and shop for our children - I wanted to kill him of course. I hate shopping and BF is the epitome of hell for me), hubby decided we were going to go to Play it Again Sports to look to see what they had. When we got there, they had a few but they are all huge, the kind you'd find in a gym. Anyway, they had one that is only 2 years old, had only 41 miles, and only 12 hours on it. It was more than what we wanted to pay but Brian talked him into $150 less than asking price (shoulda offered a little less in my opinion but hey I kept my mouth shut.) Brian and the guy loaded into the truck, we drove home and after some serious effort between Brian and I, we got it out of the truck, cleaned up, and up the stairs to it's final resting place about 3 feet from my bed. If that's not a wake up and smack ya in the face to work out, then I don't know what is!

Day 1: worked out for 15 minutes and almost died. Ok, I knew I was  kinda out of shape but come on!! Both my kids did it for way longer than I did (little brats!!)
Day 2:  made it on there for 30 minutes (still almost died, though.)
Day 3: we'll see how today goes.

Oh, and down 3.4 pounds in 2 weeks with Thanksgiving thrown in the middle. Yea!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

My journal (sort of)...

Ok, so my entire life I've started journals. I have so many notebooks (and calendars) of all shapes and sizes chronicling my life, ups, downs, dates, boyfriends, diets, exercise regimens, all kinds of stuff you'd normally find in a journal or diary. However, I have never been consistent. I'm not the kind of person who can sit down every single day and knock out my life's happenings. I'd love to be that person, but I know I'm not.

Then I got on facebook and those little status updates became kind of like my own personal journal. I could put out to the world how I was feeling at that exact moment. Exhilaration!! I tried to keep it simple and not ruffle any feathers but then I thought, "Who am I kidding?" Lol! I am a pot-stirrer! Thank goodness facebook doesn't put a limit on the number of characters you can use in your status updates because, as many of you who know me know, I tend to be a bit wordy at times. Ok, ok, I talk too much, I write too much, I know. I have been on facebook now for about 2 1/2 years or so and love the fact that I can put it all out there whenever I want. My journal, of course, has turned into a free-share for all my friends about my life. (Hmmm, I wonder who has hidden me by now because of all my posts??)

Anyway, so I've recently ventured into Twitter. I've resisted due to the previously mentioned problem of being wordy and not being able to fit what I want to say into 140 characters (ha, really?) but I wanted to enter a contest that one of my favorite singers was having but it was only on Twitter. So, I became a twitter-er and now I tweet and have tweeps. :) Now, I am obsessed with tweeting constantly. Of course, I only have about 18 friends (followers) and they may hate me by now because I am constantly tweeting whatever crap comes into my head. I love it! I love blogs, I love reading about what everyone else is doing, I love that my favorite stars are tweeting and I can see what's going on in their loves. You know, a lot of them really are into doing charity work. I love that they post about their everyday, normal loves, too. Obsessive much? Yes, I know and I clearly need help for it.

But for now, enjoy a few of my tweets over the last couple days (hours?) Lol!!

  1. @booboo_kitty33 The boys were kinda hot even if the BsB were with them. Lots of hotness and I got all giggly, just like we used to. 
  2.  #ImThankfulFor My beautiful, healthy family - near and far. I love them all deeply, more than words can express!  
  3. I love that my 12 yr old son is very interested in his physique and wanting to work out. We made a plan (cont)
  4. I really want to see #Burlesque. Huge, amazing cast, great music, sexy dancing, and can you really go wrong with Christina Aguilera??
  5. Funny how much Kyle Busch #nascar incites such anger in the boys in my family. Congrats to Johnson but would have liked to see Harvick win.  
  6. Ahhhh, a lovely, rainy, Sunday afternoon - cozy in blankets with a book, hot cocoa, and the rain pelting the windows in the background.
  7. The Really Strange Story Behind Sunday's Blue Moon - Yahoo! News
  8. Lazy Sunday: I slept in and now lounging in bed, Nate is doing hw, Elizabeth made herself breakfast and hot (cont)
  9. Now I remember why we were such good friends way back then... we really do have a shit load of stuff in common. Lol!! @booboo_kitty33
  10. Holy cow!! What a hockey game! Even though we lost, I think it was one of our better-played games. Way to go CAHA Canadiens!  
  11. Dropped my daughter off for her nature hike with girl scouts and now headed out for a quick bike ride with my son.
  12. RT @DalaiLama: By developing a sense of concern for others' well-being, then no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep inner peace.
  13. #FF @BenDoesLife @booboo_kitty33 @shermwriter @AndrewSBowen @sksfactor (let's get her to AZ!) @paperkidsblog @ReneeBowen @RyanStar
  14. Doing what I do best and loving it!! Volunteering in the school library and it's quiet, peaceful, no stress or worries - just shelving books
  15. #Revlon - Tweeting to win!!
      (you get free crap with this one!)
  16. Good night all... looking forward to a great hike in the Preserve with the girls in the am so gotta get some sleep. Sweet dreams :)
  17. @LAKings Let's go Kings!!
  18. @shermwriter Hey I only have 17 so you're ahead of me (and no real opportunity for more.) :)  
  19. @allisonkupfer I know, but neither one of us was ready and committed at that point. :(
  20. My daughter just started the Pandora series and she is LOVING it!! Thank you @carolynhennesy for writing such a wonderful series. :)  
  21. I am so excited that I'm going to be an auntie again!! Yea!! Babies are such a blessing and I'm thrilled for Jon and Caroline. <3
  22. Ok, so I think the perfect job for me would be to be someone's assistant. Lol!! I'm really good at doing (cont)
  23. @DorothyLucey @MaksimC I agree 100%. As much as I adore Kyle & Bristol has grown on me, Maks & Brandy should be there with Jennifer/Derek
  24. I must be #PMS cause I feel like crap, my boobs hurt, I'm overly emotional, and I miss my damn cat. :(
  25. #whatthef*ck is going on with #tweetdeck and #facebook today?? Not updating and crashing!
  26. I am so loving this season of #Oprah!! She is putting out some great shows, interviews, emotional moments, and hilarious-ness. Brava, Oprah!
  27. Sorry... Does anyone else GET/FEEL extremely #claustrophobic in those drive-thru car washes? Or is this just another one of my crazies?
  28. Does anyone else extremely #claustrophobic in those drive-thru car washes?? Holy crap!!
  29. Can't believe I've been up for 30 minutes already... I miss the days of sleeping in...  
  30. #Mike&Molly was fricking hilarious tonight! Omg!!!
  31. "From the withered tree, a flower blooms." ~ Zen Saying
  32. @LaceySchwimmer Ouch!! You dancers are amazing & take so much punishment to your bodies yet you go out week after week and look fab!!
  33. @KaDeeStrick @shondarhimes @TimmyDaly Getting caught up on #PPP...Did You Hear (especially opening) was omg... No words. Brava! @katewalsh
  34. Ahhh, house is clean (Elizabeth even mopped the kitchen), boys are off to the #AZCardinals game, and I am going to shower, get cozy & relax!
  35. Just ate some yummy Greek n/f plain yogurt with granola, honey, and berries. Mmmmmmm, one of my favorite healthy breakfasts. :)
  36. @GillesMarini Can't wait!!
  37. Anyone blogging the #Pacquiao vs. #Margarito #boxing fight?
  38. @adamlevine aeolist
  39. @adamlevine caramel... just melts off the tongue.

OK, that's enough you get the idea. Ridiculous but oh so much fun. If you follow me on twitter, I'll apologize now. If you read this blog and want to slap me right now I totally understand. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

One week in the books - yea!!! I am down 2.2 pounds which I am thrilled with! I think that as I wasn't as consistent with writing down everything I ate, down 2 pounds is perfect. It also made me realize that the mini Twix bar at 2 pts and fun size peanut m&ms at 4 pts just aren't worth it. I'm not even sure the salted caramel hot chocolate, at a whopping 5 points, is worth it either. It was a nice treat after an awesome hike but that many points for a drink just makes me want to rethink my choices. It's all a learning process for me - over and over again. I make mistakes, I learn from them (hopefully), and next time make the decision that will benefit me.

New week, new goals, new choices. My goal this week is to really think about what I'm eating when I'm eating it and why (I think they call that conscious awareness or something) so that I don't make the same mistakes this week. I want to continue to take my vitamins (did pretty darn good this past week!) I also want to aim for moving my body for at least 20 minutes, 3 days this week (baby steps...)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 days in....

... and boy, I forgot how hard it is to write down every single bite of food I put into my mouth. Whew! It's exhausting. I haven't done the best job yet of keeping track of every bite because of the whole guilt thing (really, that handful of Harkins popcorn would be way too many points on Weight Watchers.) I know, I know, I'm not being honest with myself. Trust me, I've been to enough meetings in the past to know how this thing works. I'm working on it and honestly what I've eaten this week is 100 times better than the past two years have been. And, I started taking my vitamins again. I'm hoping it helps with my tiredness (it has to, I'm tired of being exhausted.)

I can't get back into the mindset that it's all or nothing because then I know I will fail. There's a fine line and I know where it lies; it's just a matter of staying balanced. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today is the day....

...that I am going to make a change in my life. Again. For sure this time. I am now  223 days from my 40th birthday. My long time goal has always been to be my healthiest at 40. I want to start this next decade of my life being fit, happy, ready for anything. NOT overweight, miserable, tired, and unable to be the best me I can be.

My best friend has talked me into doing weight watchers with her. I've done it in the past with some success and a couple of times with not so much success. I'm hoping this time I can be as successful as I'll allow myself. If I can get out of my own way I'm pretty damn sure I can do this! I want to do this. :)

As hard and unbearable as it is to admit, I weigh 161 pounds right now. According to the "charts" my range is from 112-134 which means ideally, I should be somewhere around 123. I haven't weighed that since I was 20 years old! Now, taking into consideration my age, bone structure, etc, I'm thinking I'd be pretty happy if I could be about 135-137 and maintain that. This means I need to lose 26 pounds. This calculates out to about a pound per week while getting through the holidays and parties. And, all this Halloween candy I still have around. Damn kids!! (I think it's going to start disappearing little by little into the trashcan.)

There's more to this post but my brain has stopped working. I have to go put on my Mom hat and volunteer at the kids' school - library volunteer, PTO board member, student store volunteer, and then back to the library until  2:20 when I take my son and go home. Lots to do to keep me busy today! 

Have a great Friday!

Monday, November 8, 2010

What a day!

Don't you just love when you wake up and feel all sexy and good about yourself? And, it doesn't go away right away, lingering throughout the day making you feel all warm, sexy, and sensuous inside? I want this to last all day, all week! How can I bottle this and use it on those days when I don't feel this great? Lol!!