Tuesday, September 20, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 1

So, I found a blog challenge that should make it pretty easy for me to blog (unless I forget), little topics that don't require too much effort on my part (I'm lazy.) So, unless I have something really important to share this is what you'll be getting for the next month. ;) Enjoy.

1. Discuss your current relationship status. If single, discuss why and how you feel about single life.

My current relationship status is married. I can honestly say that I don't think I'd enjoy being single in this day and age. When Brian and I were separated for 6 months, I went out with some friends and saw how the single women of my age and older were behaving with younger men and it kinda disgusted me. Now dont get me wrong, the flirting and excitement of the "chase" is always fun but I don't think missing out on certain things is worth being single. I always have a date when I want one, clean, safe, sex whenever I want, a guy who can cook, clean, is handy around the house, and a great dad to our kids. Kind of hard to imagine having all that while being single. Thanks but I think I'll stay married. ;)

30 Day Blog Photo Challenge Day 1

1. Anything Goes

I'm going to combine this Day 1 photo with a little gratitude. I'm grateful for my feet and shoes for giving me the strength to walk, run, get me places I need to go, keep  me healthy, allow me to play with my kids, and just support me without fail. Thank you feet.

~ with much love, always

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