Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If you are a guy reading this, just a forewarning that you may want to stop reading now. The topic of this particular blog may be more than you want to know.

I tend to get headaches pretty regularly (ok, almost every single month) about 2-3 days before my period. They can be, at times, excruciating and cause me great frustration because not much seems to help. And I get really bitchy - even more than normal. ;)

Let me try to explain it for those that may not know what it's like. It's as if the pressure builds up in my brain and the only release is for my period to start. The blood flow releases the pressure in my head. I swear, it's true! My headaches go away the second my period starts. As a matter of fact, I can almost pinpoint the exact moment I start because my head will stop hurting. And, the worse the headache, the worse the better is going to be.

Just sayin'....

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