(as if I could actually stay away for very long :) ....)
I finally reached the breaking point where I am no longer comfortable in my own body and that is a very sucky feeling. So, I signed up for a 3-week intensive body fat burning boot camp at Pulse Fitness. I had done some training there a while back and I really enjoyed the people there. Their motto is "we train the athlete in you" and that really appealed to me when I was training for my half marathons so when the opportunity arose to join this BC, I couldn't resist - even though I know (and remember) the hard work required and pain doing boot camp put my body through. In the end though, the results will be worth it and I'm hoping that after 4 times a week for 3 weeks, it will become enough of a habit to continue.
This lovely group of insane people and I ran on a treadmill at 5.0-7.0 mph, held plank, did mountaineers (lunges on each side and then a squat while holding hand weights), kettle bell swings, and up downs otherwise known as burpees (or pukies!) The pace was set by the group doing mountaineers so however long they took that's how long everyone else had to do whatever station they were in. And we did 2 rounds of all that.
Then it was core workout time. We paired up and one partner held onto the other's legs while bringing their legs up. The partner then had to throw their legs back down. 20 times. Then 20 push ups And we did 2 rounds of those, too. Needless to say, I am already sore and it's only been 3 hours... tomorrow should be fun!
But I did it! I completed my first BC workout with 20 more days of 4 times per week workouts and a strict meal plan. My new motto , "It's all good; I've got this!"
~ with much love, always
1 comment:
Here You Are 6 Months Later, Still Going Strong! I'm so Proud Of You! And A Bit Jealous, Since I Don'tHave The Self Discipline To Do It! Mom B (Too LazY To Lookup My Google Our WordPress Login! So Anonymous!)
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