Sunday, January 15, 2012

Journey of Running/Half Marathon Recap

(After a swift kick in the pants from a friend of mine, I'm finally getting this out but it's a long one. Grab a cup of coffee or a snack and sit back and enjoy.)

After 16 weeks of actively training for this half marathon, today is the day. I have done everything I can to prepare for what I am about to achieve. I have ran, I have eaten, I have slept, I have recovered from (minor, thank goodness) injuries, I have modified things that can be and dealt with those that can't.

Today I run 13.1 miles.

Let's jump back a minute. I am was not a runner. I have never been an athlete, not in high school, college or otherwise. I like to be outdoors to hike, walk, etc but never played any sort of sport. My friends, Julie and Dana, and I started hiking the McDowell Sonoran Preserve once a week or walking the trails in our neighborhoods for some "girl time." We talk about anything and everything (thank god for girlfriends!!) One day I mentioned to Julie (who has run several half and full marathons) that I would like to start running, maybe run a 5k. I was following a blog Ben Does Life and he was coming to town in July (Really? You want to run in July in Phoenix, AZ? You must not be from around these parts. Lol!) and I wanted to participate. Because this time I was/am determined to drop the weight that has slowly crept back on.I wanted to shake things up and try something I hadn't done before and running sounded just right because I've had friends tell me they lost a ton of weight when they started running (Side note: No, I have not lost "tons" of weight but I am down about 10 lbs and I'm damn proud of every one of those losses.)

So, Julie and I started running the "oval" - two soccer fields down by the kids' school - and to be honest, when we first started I couldn't run the long length of one of those fields. (See this post and this post and maybe this post, if you want.) Then we changed our routine and started meeting at the library and running a 5k loop (3.1 miles), included a stop at Starbucks, and a mile walk back to our cars. Next, we started just meeting at Starbucks, running, and then going home cutting out the walk.

Then one day, I casually mentioned it would be interesting to run a half marathon but I didn't think I could do it. Julie was all over that! Julie came up with a great training plan: 3 days per week with our longer runs being on the weekends since we were already running a 5k at 5am so we could be home in time to get the kids ready for school. I'm not saying it was easy. I run very slow. I walk way too much for my own good. I really need to learn to get out of my head and push myself harder. We ran through the heat, through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

And we stuck with it for four months culminating in today.

I picked Julie up early because we were worried about parking and being sure we had time to stretch, go potty, etc. We needn't have worried - we had plenty of time. The Rock N Roll Marathons are cool because they play music through speakers near the starting line about an hour or so before the race. Good music; loud music. Just what I like!

I am not a fan of the waiting, however; and as our corral started to fill up (they release runners in groups called corrals) I started to feel a little more anxiety come over me. it got more and more crowded as more and more people started filling in the space. We were in the "finishing in 3 hours" group so we were way near the back. As they announced the 1st group going off, loud cheers rippled through the crowd. Now we were excited. Let's go!

Unfortunately, when you're in corral 20, there are 19 corrals in front of you and they release corrals approximately every 5-7 minutes (or more if you have to wait for the trains to cross the road.) Needless to say, our group crossed the starting line about an hour or so after the first group of elite athletes.

We were off! I crossed that starting line and had to work my way through, around, between, behind other runners - everyone jockeying for space (again, not a fun thing to do when you are anxiety prone.) The first mile was hard because of the sheer number of people but eventually people got into their groove and spread out. There was a band at the 1st mile marker which was pretty cool and they were playing great music. Of course, there's no time to stop and enjoy it as we were flying by (ok, not really.)

The next few miles were uneventful. It always takes me about 5-7 miles before I really get into some sort of comfort zone (Julie says I'm going to make a great marathoner; I still think she's crazy.) We knew the families were going to  be somewhere around mile 6-8 but not sure exactly where. I started to feel a bit emotional; not sure what to expect (even though I watched Madi & Elizabeth create a beautiful sign for us the night before.) The kids had been so supportive the entire time I was training so I knew they'd be excited to see mom "doing her thing."

Finally, we saw them up ahead just before we would round a curve. I could feel the tears well up and as much as I didn't want to feel emotional about it, I did cry a few tears. But alas, no time to stop and chit chat. We hugged on the run and kept on moving, even forgetting to discard our extra clothing with them. :)

The next few miles were pretty much the same: run, hit the water/Gatorade stations, run, etc. I refused to wait in the port-o-potty lines as it would take 10-20 minutes depending on the line. So, I finally saw a Denny's up ahead and decided I was going in there. I ran in past all the diners, took care of business, and ran back out. Not sure what they were thinking nor did I care. I was happy that I didn't have to wait in any line and had a (somewhat) clean bathroom!

Around mile 9-10 or so, my iPhone battery died (I run 2-3 apps when I'm running - a GPS app, MapMyRun, and Round Timer which tells me when to run and when to walk. Although I've learned I can do the same with MMR so I might make some changes.) All that time waiting in the morning had me playing on my phone, taking pictures, etc, hence the dead battery before I was done racing. This messed with my head because I rely on that to tell me when my 4 minutes of running is up. But, I persevered.

Passing mile 10 was a blessing. I only had a short 5k to go! I could do this! But I was starting to feel some pain in my calf, I was tired, emotional, irritated about my battery but happy to still be running as much as I possibly could. Mile 11, I started to feel great - only 2 to go!! Mile marker 12. Hmmm, ok this one stumps me because this is when I really started to feel... not sure how I felt. Happy to be almost finished? Elated by my accomplishment? Sad to be done? I don't know. We had merged with the marathoners (yes, some of them were finishing 26.2 as I was finishing my 13.1. Talk about inspirational? Whew!) and they were running on one side of the road while we were on the other.

About 200 yards from the finish line, I lost it. I started crying (not an ugly cry) just some tears which made it hard to breathe which started to make it hard or run. "Suck it up and finish!" I told myself. "Get it together and cross that finish line with a smile on your face." I said this over and over those last few years and finally crossed that finish line with both our families right there waiting, cheering, so happy for us. The second I crossed that line, I cried. I let it all out. There was no holding back. All the exhaustion, hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and effort we put in for the last 4 months and the past couple of hours finally paid off. I was handle my medal, a Gatorade, a bagel, and just let it sink in.

I did it! I ran 13.1 miles. I put in the time. I completed the training (and there were some doubts - on my part as well as others.) There were some cheerleaders who never doubted me, who lifted me up and encouraged me (you all know who you are; I've thanked you personally but briefly: Mom, Nate, Dennis, Julie, Anngee - to name a few of my brightest stars.) For your kind words and encouragement throughout this journey, I thank you again, so many times over.

If I had to do things differently (I've been asked): I'd make sure I start with a charged battery; I'd stay for the concert at the end (have my family bring me a big, fat, juicy burger and fries, and eat it right there because I had to miss the B52s); Train more effectively and efficiently; Push myself just a bit harder (not too much because I don't want any injuries) but enough to meet my next goal.

Speaking of goals, yes, we are running another half marathon. June 2, 2012, San Diego CA. My best friend turns 40 a couple days before that and is running the full marathon for her birthday so I said I'd join her, celebrate, and run the half. Honestly, I can't wait. :)

(P.S. ~ I had a really hard time trying to decide what voice to write this post in: past tense because it already happened, present tense as a recap as it was happening, or a mixture of both - which I don't enjoy but almost seemed fitting. Plus because it's so damn long, I just got all mixed up. Sorry for any confusion. I probably should have placed this at the beginning as a warning.)

~with much love, always

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cleaning, music, and miscellany

Ok, so if you're new to reading my blog, I must first apologize for the slew of posts that were just quotes for a while there. I didn't realize there were that many. But, it was also getting me used to writing so it kinda worked to my benefit.

Now, onto other things... I have guests coming in from CA; great friends who are coming to stay for almost a week to visit ASU and UofA for their daughter (and really? Can she honestly be checking out colleges already??) Normally I don't mind cleaning because I just call up Anngee and talk for several hours while getting stuff done but this time required a little more concentration and two hands and I really don't need a sore neck from holding the phone (my headset is broken and the blue tooth causes too much static when I wander the house - lame technology.) So, I started in right after the kids left for school and I found that it's been awhile since I've done an actual cleaning; it's been all "lick, spit, and shine" for way too long and the house needs a really good deep cleaning. Now, most people wouldn't tackle this one day before their guests arrive but I'm insane and apparently like the punishment. As of this writing (it's during my "lunch break"), I've finished most of the downstairs - just need to put away the Christmas decorations, make the guest bed, vacuum, and mop. It took almost 4 hours to pile up the Christmas decorations in one spot, dust, wipe down all the cabinets, counter tops, windowsills, clean the guest room, and bathroom. And, there were only a couple of distractions. :)

In a moment, I will tackle those decorations which I believe will take at least an hour to put away (ugh) and then head upstairs to work up there which will take me a good couple of hours as well. Thank goodness the kids don't have any activities today and can manage snacks and  homework on their own - but don't mess anything up!! I'll be sure to leave their rooms for last so they can "pre-clean" for me.

During this cleaning marathon, I've had Pandora on and have had my ears besieged by some really fabulous songs and artists: 38 Special, Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah (favorite song ever), Def Leppard and other serious hair metal bands, Broadway - Rent, Wicked, and Lady Gaga (don't judge me) because she is awesome to clean to, especially really loud.

And, finally before Cinderella I get back to work, every single person should go get Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and enjoy the wondrous-ness of this product! Take one to your bannister - it will shine, or your door jambs and baseboards. Love it, love it, love it but had forgotten how awesome it was.

Ok, back to work now.

~with much love, always

Monday, January 2, 2012


“Ring out the old, ring in the new / Ring, happy bells, across the snow... / Ring out the false, ring in the true.” 
~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Happy New Year! 2012... wow! It's hard to believe that it's already 2012. I don't really do resolutions because the word resolution insinuates that you me will fail and I don't think that's the best way to start off a new year. I do try to look back at the previous year and reflect on what has gone wrong, what I've done well, what can be improved upon, etc.

As always, I want to improve my health and diet (as does probably 90% of the world.)  I started running last year and will run my first half marathon in 13 days (yikes!) barring any injuries of course. (I am currently fighting a calf issue that has me a bit concerned.) I will do my best; I will finish... and then I will decide how I want to continue. :)

I also really want to get my house reorganized this year. Yes, again, this is something I say every year but I am really going to do my best this year. It may be a one room at a time kind of thing but eventually, I'll succeed.

Then there are the usual things: stop cursing so much, at least in front of the kids (because y'all know I love a good f-bomb now & then), be a better wife and mother, don't yell so much when an inside voice will work just fine. All things that I aspire to achieving but have never been able to conquer.

So, that's my new year in a nutshell. Not really resolutions but a brief insight into being a better me in 2012.

Also, I want to take a moment to thank all the friends, new and old, that I have connected with this past year. Friends are the baseline for which I am truly grateful to for keeping me sane. Special thanks to Anngee for being my best friend for so many years and helping me get my house clean with hours of phone conversations; also to the Alonso's for inviting us into their lives with such gusto and love, good times and fun, food and Flag; and thanks to Julie Callahan for being my running coach and being so supportive and positive. You all have made me a better person just for knowing you.

“To make an end is to make a beginning.”

~ T.S. Eliot

~with much love, always

End of 2011 weight: 154.6
Beg of 2012 weight: 152.4