Monday, January 2, 2012


“Ring out the old, ring in the new / Ring, happy bells, across the snow... / Ring out the false, ring in the true.” 
~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Happy New Year! 2012... wow! It's hard to believe that it's already 2012. I don't really do resolutions because the word resolution insinuates that you me will fail and I don't think that's the best way to start off a new year. I do try to look back at the previous year and reflect on what has gone wrong, what I've done well, what can be improved upon, etc.

As always, I want to improve my health and diet (as does probably 90% of the world.)  I started running last year and will run my first half marathon in 13 days (yikes!) barring any injuries of course. (I am currently fighting a calf issue that has me a bit concerned.) I will do my best; I will finish... and then I will decide how I want to continue. :)

I also really want to get my house reorganized this year. Yes, again, this is something I say every year but I am really going to do my best this year. It may be a one room at a time kind of thing but eventually, I'll succeed.

Then there are the usual things: stop cursing so much, at least in front of the kids (because y'all know I love a good f-bomb now & then), be a better wife and mother, don't yell so much when an inside voice will work just fine. All things that I aspire to achieving but have never been able to conquer.

So, that's my new year in a nutshell. Not really resolutions but a brief insight into being a better me in 2012.

Also, I want to take a moment to thank all the friends, new and old, that I have connected with this past year. Friends are the baseline for which I am truly grateful to for keeping me sane. Special thanks to Anngee for being my best friend for so many years and helping me get my house clean with hours of phone conversations; also to the Alonso's for inviting us into their lives with such gusto and love, good times and fun, food and Flag; and thanks to Julie Callahan for being my running coach and being so supportive and positive. You all have made me a better person just for knowing you.

“To make an end is to make a beginning.”

~ T.S. Eliot

~with much love, always

End of 2011 weight: 154.6
Beg of 2012 weight: 152.4

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