Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy new year!

Ok, so we're 6 days into the new year and I haven't posted anything since Christmas. It was hard for awhile because I had limited access to a computer while staying at Brian's parents house.

We had a great time on vacation. Got to see so many great friends in Valencia and some old high school friends in Rancho Cucamonga. Lovely, lovely visits with all. We spent new year's eve with the besties: Anngee, Shawn, Aubrey, and Cami and got pretty drunk really early into the evening, ate some fabulous food, and rang in the new year with champagne and cider.  The one thing we forgot to do this year (which we've done every year since we've had kids) is take a family picture right after midnight or the next morning. :(  Kinda bummed that we missed out on that tradition. Actually, I didn't take too many pictures at all while on vacation this year. Not sure why; although I took a ton of pictures of the kids and their cousins. I guess it's just me that I don't want pictures of which makes me sad, too. Gotta get over that or my kids will have no recollection of what I looked like when they were growing up. All in all, a pleasant time this trip and nice to spend time with family even my grandfather (see next blog post.)

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