Friday, July 30, 2010

Travel tips

Ok, so I read about these couple of things to try when traveling so I thought I'd share. I haven't tried them so I can't say whether they work or not but you never know...

No-Jet-Lag tablets (Vitamin stores) - made of a blend of 5 herbs that work to regulate sleep cycles, ease swollen feet, alleviate dehydration, and clear your head... hmmm, can I use these on a daily basis? Lol!!

Avoid dairy on the day of air travel (and whenever you plan on singing) - dairy causes mucous formation which increases sinus pressure. Also, avoid salt - for obvious reasons. :)

Bananas can help when feeling dehydrated; bring one with you on the plane.

Peppermint tea bags can help at the first sign of tummy trouble.

Let me know if any of you try the No Jet Lag tabs; I'd be curious to see if they really work.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'm the first to admit that I am a little obsessive compulsive. Ok, I am more than a little obsessively compulsive. I can be obsessively compulsive about just about anything - watching tv, keeping track of books I read on Goodreads, facebook (I had to delete all the games - Farmville, MobWars, etc. - because it was too much obsession), remembering things from the past, remembering people I've met or had any sort of relationship with, songs (I can associate almost any song with an experience, time, place, or person and vice versa.)

I am also one of those people that observes the belief that you should weigh yourself daily to stay on top of any weight gain. Of course, I've also been obsessive about dieting, or my lack of ability to lose weight, for years. I really hate when I've had a great weekend, felt like I ate healthy and the damn thing doesn't change. Nothing. Not up, not down; not an ounce. Frustrating to say the least especially for me.

Hey, at least I finally stopped counting every single time I go upsairs in my home. :)