So, I "ran" in my fourth half marathon on Sunday. I use quotes because there wasn't too much running actually going on. There's this funny thing when you run long distances called training and it's usually a really good idea to do some of this so-called training prior to running such a long distance. But, I'm such a royal pain in the ass, used every excuse in the book to NOT find time to train/run, and managed to not run more than 2 miles over the past 12 weeks. Awesome, huh?
Ok, let me backtrack just a little. In the past 1 1/2 years or so I've been struggling with running. I get all up in my head and end up walking even when I should be running. I can't figure out why I start walking. I'm not injured. I'm not dying to catch my breath. Nothing is broken or bleeding. So why do I walk? I have no idea. I've even had several anxiety attacks before, during, and even after the races end (even smaller distances like a 5k or Pat's 4.2 mile Run.)
This half marathon was not about time (even though I really wanted to set a new PR) but more about just doing the best I could and actually get through something without freaking out. I did succeed at my goal. As much as I wanted to run more, I ended up with a really tight calf for about 6 miles before it loosened up and then my feet started hurting from improper insoles in my shoes.
Lessons learned:
- Train, ya big dummy!! It works! Bonehead alert #1
- There is no reason to cry or have an anxiety attack. It's just running
- Proper attire/equipment is a key component. Check it all out several weeks before the big race (again, had I trained properly this wouldn't have been an issue.) Bonehead alert #2 (and a total rookie move.)
- I listened to an audio book while I ran. OMG!!! Why didn't I think of this sooner!! Duh. Bonehead alert #3
- Times are important and anyone who says they aren't are lying just a little bit. Did I want to beat my last years' time? Absolutely! Did I honestly think it was possible with my lack of preparation? Not really. I did however beat my time of the very first PF Chang's run I did there 3 years ago. I will accept that as a success and worry about everything else another time.
- I am never going to be a fast runner. I've accepted it and moved on. So should you.
- I really like these stupid medals. They're shiny, pretty, bling-y and I've got quite a collection now.
- I have a friend who is running a race in every state in the nation. I LOVE this plan! Maybe someday, we'll get to run together and/or I'll attempt a feat like this. :)

I'm going to continue to run and, despite all my issue with long distances, I will probably continue to run half marathons, too. I'm going to work on tackling some smaller issues first - including actually running a 5k (no walking, just running) and continue to do so without the anxiety and/or tears. I've got a few things coming up so I'll report back with all my success stories. :)
Thanks to my running buds, Dana and Dennis (and Anngee from afar) for all your kind words and support. Thanks to my kids who always ask how I did and no matter what I do or don't do, are always proud of me. Thanks to my husband for putting up with all those early-to-bed nights, early wake up alarms, and support. It means a lot to me.
Thanks for reading.
~with much love, always
** edit: How could I forget to thank my trainer??? Duh! Thanks to Jenna for her awesome support and pushing me even when I don't want to use the heavier kettle bell. ;) I might whine a lot but I do appreciate it and look forward to some more ass-kicking in 2014. And, keeping me accountable to my list of goals! Thanks, Jenna!