Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cleaning, music, and miscellany

Ok, so if you're new to reading my blog, I must first apologize for the slew of posts that were just quotes for a while there. I didn't realize there were that many. But, it was also getting me used to writing so it kinda worked to my benefit.

Now, onto other things... I have guests coming in from CA; great friends who are coming to stay for almost a week to visit ASU and UofA for their daughter (and really? Can she honestly be checking out colleges already??) Normally I don't mind cleaning because I just call up Anngee and talk for several hours while getting stuff done but this time required a little more concentration and two hands and I really don't need a sore neck from holding the phone (my headset is broken and the blue tooth causes too much static when I wander the house - lame technology.) So, I started in right after the kids left for school and I found that it's been awhile since I've done an actual cleaning; it's been all "lick, spit, and shine" for way too long and the house needs a really good deep cleaning. Now, most people wouldn't tackle this one day before their guests arrive but I'm insane and apparently like the punishment. As of this writing (it's during my "lunch break"), I've finished most of the downstairs - just need to put away the Christmas decorations, make the guest bed, vacuum, and mop. It took almost 4 hours to pile up the Christmas decorations in one spot, dust, wipe down all the cabinets, counter tops, windowsills, clean the guest room, and bathroom. And, there were only a couple of distractions. :)

In a moment, I will tackle those decorations which I believe will take at least an hour to put away (ugh) and then head upstairs to work up there which will take me a good couple of hours as well. Thank goodness the kids don't have any activities today and can manage snacks and  homework on their own - but don't mess anything up!! I'll be sure to leave their rooms for last so they can "pre-clean" for me.

During this cleaning marathon, I've had Pandora on and have had my ears besieged by some really fabulous songs and artists: 38 Special, Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah (favorite song ever), Def Leppard and other serious hair metal bands, Broadway - Rent, Wicked, and Lady Gaga (don't judge me) because she is awesome to clean to, especially really loud.

And, finally before Cinderella I get back to work, every single person should go get Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and enjoy the wondrous-ness of this product! Take one to your bannister - it will shine, or your door jambs and baseboards. Love it, love it, love it but had forgotten how awesome it was.

Ok, back to work now.

~with much love, always

1 comment:

Cristal said...

Mr. Clean does rock...but holy cow girl, so do you! It's not even spring yet and look at you go on that house. I will have to wait until spring. Have fun with your friends!